Monday, December 24, 2007

Server Lokal atau Internasional

Jika website anda ber bahasa inggris dan anda menarget visitor interasional, maka anda bisa memilih server internasional bisanya sih aku pakai server USA

Nah jika anda menargetkan visitor lokal anda bisa menggunakan Hosting Berkualitas server lokal

- Metode Searching - Multiple Keyword this is tutorial how to make searching database mysql use multiple keyword
- Membuat Security Code Form How to make Captcha Security image
- Membuat Efektif Keyword keyword and keyword again
- Membuat Dynamic Title dengan PHP wow.. how to make Dynamic Title with PHP

Graphic design has interesting side Tutorial Flash and Tutorial CorelDraw

Friday, December 21, 2007



Yang saya bahas adalah Plugin Google Toolbar untuk FireFox

Google toolbar sangat penting bagi webmaster
ya karena dengan google toolbar kita bisa memainkan google seperti violin

Oke to the poin saja, beberapa fungsi penting google toolbar:

1. Kita bisa melihat "Page Rank"

fungsi ini bagi webmaster, sangat berguna
karena kita bisa melihat Ranking suatu halaman dari sebuah website
kita juga bisa melihat apakah website ini dapat page rank banyak, sedikit
atau bahkan terkena BLACK LIST oleh Google (Wah.. kalau ini jangan sampai deh..)

2. Kita bisa tentukan "Local Search" "search di negara mana saja terserah"

coba teman2 ketik di browser, coba perhatikan,,,yg muncul adalah
dan bukan di,
ya karena IP kita berasal dari Indonesia, dan google lebih mementingkan Local Search
jadi ya oleh Google request anda di redirect jadi
kalau anda tetap ngotot ingin pakai anda bisa mensiasati dengan Pakai Proxy Amerika,
Tapi tentu saja kita semua tahu kalau kita pakai proxy, speed koneksi internet kita bakal

Nah dengan Google toolbar anda bisa menggunakan Local search terserah tanpa harus ganti proxy
sebagai contoh anda ingin Search Result nya dari negara amerika, ya anda ganti saja
search box setting-nya jadi amerika
kalau ingin jepang ganti saja jepang, nanti hasilnya jadi

ya menurut saya hanya itu fungsi pentingnya, untuk fungsi yang lain:

3. Gmail
4. BookMark
5. Auto Fill Form

dan lain-lain...

+Cara install plugin:
1. download versi Zip
2. Extract file zip tersebut
3. klik kanan, Open With... >> cari firefoxmu, atau kalau tidak ada, pilih Browse dan cari

Semoga hal ini bisa berguna bagi anda...

*Kami tidak menempatkan Google Toolbar di server kami, karena jika terlalu banyak yg download
situs kami bisa DOWN, jadi ya kami letakkan di server ilmuwebsite di Amerika, kami mohon maaf

Download >> Google Toolbar(Server Ripway Amerika)

Jika proses download bermasalah sms ke 085648173225 ,kami akan akan coba mengatasi

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tips Before Buy Web Hosting Service

Before buy web hosting service, you should consider the exsistency and how long that webhosting company exist

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Decide if your Affordable Web Hosting is not a Hoax

There are some companies right now that offer affordable plan are never minding the quality of services it offer and the hassles it do to its clients, they just want to get for the bucks.

With the upsurge of affordable web hosting plan, it is advisable to be very extra careful on choosing the kind of web host provider.

Many web site owners were already victimized by these cheap web hosting plans because it turned out to be hoax.

Here are some tips in choosing for affordable web hosting plan. This is to avoid choosing the wrong ones and be regretful about it at the end.

1. An affordable web hosting plan can still come cheaper when offered as packages. Some of those web hosting companies that offer cheap packages get very pricey when you add unnecessary features or services such as optional log-in file programs or password protection. Business Hosting Web As someone who is really gearing up for the affordable ones, be sure to know the prices for each service included in the plan.

2. A web host provider's technical and customer support system plays a very big role in choosing an affordable web hosting plan. It does not mean that because your web site hosting is cheap, there will be no more support from it. A good web hosting company offers 24/7 customer service wherein clients can right away address concerns and problems regarding their web sites.

3. Be sure that your plan (the fit-to-your-budget web hosting package) will meet the requirements you set for your web site. Do not be easily swayed by alluring cheap hosting plans out there. Look beyond the advertisement. Do not jump hastily in choosing a hosting plan simply because it is cheap, look instead on what you will be getting out from this budget and match it with your requirements.

4. The cheapest plan may not always be the best for you. Always take note that they are the cheapest because they have certain limitations and do not have specific features which you, as the client, probably needs.

5. Let your web host know about your expectations. Letting them know your expectations and standards will, in a way, pressure them to do well in their web hosting service business.

6. Consider the bandwidth and disk space. Both are essential factors in creating or maintaining a web site. Be sure that you have enough disk space that will your requirements. Usually cheap hosting plans offer smaller disk space than those expensive ones. Be sure to ask your web host how much they will charge you if you plan to expand your storage capacity in the future. For bandwidth, make sure that you have enough of it despite its cheap price. Also, do not be easily fooled by those web hosts claiming to give unlimited bandwidth. It is better to be cleared of it from the very start.

6. Give more attention to the web host's reliability more than their cheap offer. You can check the reliability of a web host by doing a little research about it. Try to ask around or do some online researching.